Meath School

Meath School

Talk, Learn, Grow

Interactive Bar


Assessment and Pupil Progress

All new children are baselined on PIVATS and PSLB (Personal, Social and Learning behaviours checklist) on entry.


Autumn term

Teachers and Therapists check PIVATS levels and the targets set for the year.

Subject areas are






Scientific Enquiry




Interaction and working with others


Independence and attention



Using and applying Maths


Space , shape and measure



Challenging targets are planned

One sublevel of progress per year over time equates to good progress (eg P7-P8)

Two sublevels of progress per year over time equates to outstanding progress (eg P7 – Bridge)

Levels of engagement are recorded.


End of the Autumn Term

Progress is checked and recorded on EARWIG for PIVATS 5 subjects. Any children identified who have made little or no progress in English and Maths, have plans put in place to better support achievement. ELG is alerted to which children are not on target.

Evidence of progress in other areas is filed.

Levels of engagement are recorded.


End of Spring Term

Progress in PIVATS 5 subjects is entered into EARWIG

Evidence of progress in other areas is filed.

Levels of engagement are recorded.


End of Summer term

Progress in PIVATS 5 subjects is entered into EARWIG.

Progress in PIVATS 4 subjects is recorded.

Evidence of progress in other areas is filed.

PSLB is revisited and scores put onto EARWIG

Levels of engagement are recorded.

Data from entry to exit is analysed for all year 6 leavers and this is reported to governors in the following autumn term.

Whole school target setting is analysed. Any learners whose learning has plateaued are identified and brought to ELG. New class teams are informed. 



